In the 1930's there was much poverty in the United States. This poverty in America was caused because of depression. This time was known as The Great Depression. There were many effects on families caused by The Great Depression. For example;
1. Majority of families had no source of income. This was because many were unemployed.
2. Families unable to pay mortgage lost their homes.
3. Those who invested in stocks lost money.
4. Those who were lucky to be employed worked for meager wages compared to before the depression.
5. Due to poverty many families split up and send their children to relatives.
6. Majority of children did not go to school because they couldn't afford it or the school was unable to stay open.
7. Due to lack of food mothers added water to milk to have it last longer.
8. Some families had to move to hoovervilles which were houses for the poor.
9. The government gave out assistance money to help out the families.
10.Also due to lack of money families tended to have birthdays for many children all at once.