Monday, February 10, 2014


This shows how sever the Dust bowl was. Dust is literally flying everywhere.

The  Dust Bowl took place in the 30's in Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. These states faced a drought and the land was very dry and windy. The drought lasted 6-10 years depending on which of these states you resided. This wind caused the dirt and soil to fly around in the air which gave  this time the name "Dust Bowl"

During the Dust Bowl many farmers went out of business and became poor.

                                                       Many people wore dust masks during the dust bowl.
Dorothea Laange took photos of the great depression
Many children went on silent strikes

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Prohibition on Society


Prohibition was an infamous time in American history . Prohibition in the US took place between 1920 and 1933.Prohobition led to the growth of organized crimes. Many gangs were formed and gangsters ran the cities.

Prohibition ended the legal sale of liquor .
Bootleggers started the illegal selling of liquor.A speakeasy is a store that illegally sells alcoholic drinks. These were run by  bootleggers and you had to be invited to go.  Prohibition significantly lowered the drinking rate among the lower class people who couldn't afford it. .

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Great War


          "British boys felt it was their patriotic duty to enlist and fight for the British cause and they were shipped off to France to fight in the trenches against the Germans." When the war began people were very hostile. Also many peasants sold their horses to the soldiers to use in war. There was much tension amongst the warriors. Many people on the home front were very nervous and scared for their loved ones. It is ones worst nightmare to here that their relative had died in war. The soldiers, although some were very brave and courageous, some others were very scared and homesick. Any soldier who turned around during the war or tried to escape from fighting got shot by their leader. The soldiers lived very frightening lives. The soldiers slept in the trenches. Many soldiers built "funk holes" which were just dug out of the side of the trench while officers slept in dugouts. Also the main mode of transportation during The Great War was by horse back. Battle horses needed both stamina and speed. The British army travelled to France on horseback. Most of the fighting took place in the Eastern edge of France, Belgium and western Germany and was very bloody. There were many different kinds of weapons used during the war. Belt-fed machine guns, tanks and gas were used to fight during The Great War. The new machine guns severely reduced  effectiveness of horses (cavalry)My fellow Americans before you enter the war consider the violence that occurs, I personally witnessed it and it is horrible.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Treaty of Versailles


The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War 1. It ended the war between Germany and the allied powers. It was signed on June 28, 1918. The Treaty of Versailles was very important.
Highlights of the Treaty of Versailles
  1. Territorial - The League of Nations  took control of Germany's overseas colonies.
  2. Military -  Germany’s army was reduced to 100,000 men.
  3. Financial - Germany was  forbidden to unite with Austria to form one super state, in an attempt to keep her economic potential to a minimum.
  4. War Guilt Clause - Germany was accused of starting the war.

Monday, December 9, 2013

World War I


In this photo there are dead French soldiers in Argonne. This photo represents what all the soldiers went through. Many soldiers died from the hectic fights. this photo explains how all soldiers in WW1 gave up their lives for their country. Many people were traumatized from seeing these bodies and hurt them mentally.

Monday, December 2, 2013



In this photo JFK is dead and people are at his funeral. This shows how influential JFK was and how much people loved him. Many people were sad and weeping especially women . Even though I have not learned about JFK from this picture I can tell that he was a very nice man and that people loved him very much. He must've made many changes to the US that changed many peoples lives.

Monday, November 25, 2013

U.S.S Maine


USS Maine was sent to Havana, Cuba in January 1898 to protect American interests during the  revolt of the Cubans against the Spanish government.  The explosion of the USS Maine increased demand for war because the Americans were furious. They considered it as a threat from their enemies so decided to attack. The following is a picture of the USS Maine after it exploded.