Thursday, March 27, 2014

Atomic blog

President Truman dropped the atomic bomb because the Japanese were not cooperating and wouldn't surrender. Even after the allies declared that the Japanese must surrender the Japanese still refused. So in order to prevent any more American causalities and to end the war Truman dropped the atomic bomb. The bombings on Japan had many short term effects such as a mass number of deaths and causalities such as blindness and fractures. Also many factories were destroyed and the Japanese economy last billions of Yen and surrendered shortly after the bombs were dropped.  The following pictures show the effects of the atomic bombs:



These atomic bombs ended the war in the Pacific because it was completely terrifying that a whole city could be destroyed by a bomb at one instance. Those in the specific were scared and did not know what to do so sent out the white flag.

New Deal

The New deal was government policies started by President Franklin D. Roosevelt after the Great Depression.  President Roosevelt implemented many policies which would hopefully prevent another depression from happening.

  • FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Commission
    • This was formed to promote trust in the bank by its customers.
  • SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)
    • This was passed to enforce federal laws in security and regulating stocks and other organization and activities.
  • TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
    • This was forms to provide support to he Tennessee Valley which was greatly affected by the Great Depression.
  • SSA - Social Security Act
    • This was proposed to give Americans maximum economic freedom and security in their lives.
  • NLRA - National Labor Relations Board
    • This was formed to protect the rights of employees and employers and to stop business practices that could harm the general welfare of the business and Americans as a whole.
  • WPA - Works Progress Administration
    • This was formed to employ  people  to carry out construction jobs in the US that would provide long-term benefits such as roads and bridges.
  • FLSA - Fair Labor Standards Act
    • This was formed to protect workers and enforce fair treatment by implementing minimum wages and limitation of hours required to work

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cinderella Man

In the 1930's there was much poverty in the United States. This poverty in America was caused because of depression. This time was known as The Great Depression. There were many effects on families caused by The Great Depression. For example;
1. Majority of families had no source of income. This was because many were unemployed.
2. Families unable to pay mortgage lost their homes.
3. Those who invested in stocks lost money.
4. Those who were lucky to be employed worked for meager wages compared to before the  depression.
5. Due to poverty many families split up and send their children to relatives.
6. Majority of children did not go to school because they couldn't afford it or the school was unable to stay open.

7. Due to lack of food mothers added water to milk to have it last longer.
8. Some families had to move to hoovervilles which were houses for the poor.


9. The government gave out assistance money to help out the families.
10.Also due to lack of money families tended to have birthdays for many children all at once.

Monday, February 10, 2014


This shows how sever the Dust bowl was. Dust is literally flying everywhere.

The  Dust Bowl took place in the 30's in Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. These states faced a drought and the land was very dry and windy. The drought lasted 6-10 years depending on which of these states you resided. This wind caused the dirt and soil to fly around in the air which gave  this time the name "Dust Bowl"

During the Dust Bowl many farmers went out of business and became poor.

                                                       Many people wore dust masks during the dust bowl.
Dorothea Laange took photos of the great depression
Many children went on silent strikes

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Prohibition on Society


Prohibition was an infamous time in American history . Prohibition in the US took place between 1920 and 1933.Prohobition led to the growth of organized crimes. Many gangs were formed and gangsters ran the cities.

Prohibition ended the legal sale of liquor .
Bootleggers started the illegal selling of liquor.A speakeasy is a store that illegally sells alcoholic drinks. These were run by  bootleggers and you had to be invited to go.  Prohibition significantly lowered the drinking rate among the lower class people who couldn't afford it. .